Volunteer Code of Conduct Agreement

It is important to the festival that everyone involved is on the same page about what is expected and how we treat one another.
Your agreement is essential to be confirmed as a volunteer.

As a volunteer I agree to:

  • Conduct myself in accordance with our culture of consent and mutual respect.
  • Cooperate with the CW organizers and coordinators through the volunteer screening process;
  • Fulfill all my volunteer duties and responsibilities as communicated by my Coordinator or the Volunteer Services;
  • Contribute 8 hours (weekend only) or 12+hours (pre/post) over the duration of the festival;
  • Be a responsible ambassador for the festival and represent in a positive way;
  • Participate in creating a welcoming, friendly, inclusive workplace for all.
  • Defer any difficulties that arise to my Coordinator or Volunteer Services;
  • Wear my Volunteer ID, supplied, while on duty and refrain from wearing it when not on duty;
  • Maintain confidentiality with respect to all CW information and records;
  • Not use CW property or monies for personal advantage and understand that all materials obtained in connection with volunteering for the CW remain the property of the CW;
  • Refer questions from the media involving policy or sensitive issues to my Coordinator or Volunteer Services.

Ο I understand that my Weekend Pass is non-transferable and remains the property of the CW and can be repossessed under the following conditions:

  • if I commit illegal, violent, or unsafe acts;
  • if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs during my shift;
  • if I violate campground rules and regulations at any time;
  • and, if I fail to contribute the minimum time requirements or fail to fulfill shift commitments.

Ο I understand that Cumberland Wild maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual misconduct.